Are you a part of the majority of people, who had never heard and don't know of the term EXPRESIVE ARTS AND MUSIC THERAPY, including musicians and artistes? Are you among many of your friends who don't know that it involves VERBAL counseling, as ONLY ONE integral part of the cognitive behavioral therapy, bringing otherwise missing high efficacy to the process?
This approach to self-growth is rooted in FELT SENSE-based practice of self-expression that allows an individual to go back to METAPHORICAL language of conceptual cognition, practiced by all of us during pre-verbial period and then, abandoned...
This is an essential gateway for self-understanding that allows to tap into their own unconscious mind to get informed about what has become invisible and un-sensored in the realm of our own dumbed down and self-repressed pain and other feelings that determine our priorities on various levels, both conscious and unconscious.
Clinical psychology training, based on verbal -only counseling PARADOXICALLY DOES NOT provide the ways for re-patterning of the mental blocks, and does NOT aim to offer the assistance to the arrival of the individual to the FELT SENSE of THE ROOT CAUSES of their trauma either. So the core issues of their trauma never get recognized, addressed and resolved. This paradox is also the outcome of the misfiring evolutionary young brain that is the collection of the parts from various evolutionary periods and their related conflict with one another...
And as the result, most of our blind spots never get merely recognized and so, they remain as unresolved barriers, since no step of repatterning of misfiring synaptic networks from residual trauma takes place, due to the gigantic blind spot in the field of the clinical psychology, both individual and societal?
And that is the core reason for the overwhelming collapse and paralysis of many parts of our society in all realms of it, with too many examples of painful and costly failures and absurdly false outcomes.
So, what can help solve the problem? Why the leaders in the psychology field know about this, and yet do nothing meaningful to prioritize this cognitive fitness issue to be the top priority in the field that is responsible for it? The answer is both simple and complex:
Practitioners of the Expressive Arts therapy know that if a client was exposed to the Arts and music practices during childhood, it is a natural resource they can tap into during the crisis. But if not, it becomes yet another additional obstacle to overcome and may not work just for this absurd reason of lacking arts literacy, and absence of the metaphorical "vocabulary" as the result of the limited access to the Arts for ALL. Indeed, the level of sanity in our society depends on the accessibility of practicing the Arts and music.
It may appear unexpected, but music and the Arts PRACTICE is where the solution for this complexity of our brain is, and it may not be oversimplified any longer in our society. No, the inherited incivility of multitude of the blind spots may not continue to hurt much more and cause more of tremendous losses and suffering. Investment into expanding self-awareness and thus, increasing the level of mental health is obviously a very good yield investment into every part of our society. However, the issue needs and deserves vocal advocacy, since it can be obvious only to those policy makers, who are capable to grasp this obvious reality without oversimplification of the complexity, who possess the type of mindset that includes versatility in conceptual and abstract cognition, along with symphonic vision and polyphonic multitasking. And due to the compound challenges of looming planetary collapse, we may not compromise on this critical requirement of intellectual leadership, since now it determines our sustainability, our very survival.
Only one example of such brain paralysis that results from the societal blind spot that is the outcome of our individual and collective lack of priority to object health hazards of environmental catastrophe that we, the carriers of the human brain had created for ourselves, is due to the fact that we’ve lost our most critical sensory capacity to feel our own pain that should inform us of the hazards on the level of self-preservation instinct, but it no longer does, due to the epidemic of SENSORY DEBILITATION.
[And to begin to understand the depth of this catastrophe, please, watch the documentary STINK! on Netflix re. artificial fragrances (and let me known what do you think of it). Yes, indeed, it will help you and yours in the most critical for your brain manner of protection and prevention of neurotoxins from causing cancers, dementia, diabetes, autism, MS, Parkinson’s , Alzheimer’s, heart, lungs, liver, kidney and multitude of other diseases...]
We, as the society and as individuals had somehow forgotten that Music and the Arts had evolved not as a luxury, but instead, as the ancestral tools for dealing with the deficiencies of the human brain, struggling with evolutionary relics in its structure. Our sense of priorities is directly dependent on our sensory capacity, or rather - it should be, but it NO LONGER is! And without addressing this underlying issue, the problems, associated with the material manifestation of environmental catastrophe won't be prioritized, and thus, the urgent and at times challenging decisions would not have a chance to help us assure sustainable future...
Of course, these prioritizing abilities are critical for the effective leadership capacities, for being prepared and capable to assure sustainability and to facilitate the change. Due to the brain plasticity, we are often ruled by inertia, rolling on and on through the old path of detrimental for us mental patterns. Even individual change is not simple to accomplish. So when it comes to the need to change societal patterns, without intellectually strong, capable of adequate reflection leadership, driven by the balanced brain and symphonic abilities to sense fluid and complex priority system, based on reawakened sensory function, will make the choices of personal and collective sustainability, as determined by the traditional ethics to be more important than any of the corrupt political games. Indeed, no individual with clear priorities for own health and safety would justify getting a legalized bribe in the form of political campaign contributio, since no amount of money can buy their health from many cancers and other above listed illnesses triggered by the cumulative effects environmental hazards, as it is currently routineiy done by the US Congress representative, demonstrating evidence of self-defeat, as the form of localized insanity.
Indeed, to a degree, we all are affected by the experiences of blind spots of our still evolving human brain, and without meaningful strategy to learn from J.S.Bach's lessons through systematic studies and refinement of the provided by him tools for mediating evolutionary relics of the brain development, we can not hope for sustainability of our society. So far there is no viable alternative. The core problem of most mulfunctions could and should be addressed, as the urgent counterpoint to the self-destructive policies and traditions that must seize, with no chance to continue to rule our lives by inertia.
The newly heightened level of existential challenges in our life demands for the capacity for the innovations in all parts of the society. But how can we expect for the changes to manifest in our outer reality, unless we use the strategies that foster critical for us positive changes in our brain? Luckily, the new type of mindset for the sustainable leadership to pursue the goals for the sustainable planetary mindset can be achieved - through applying cognitive technology with the above discussed balancing impact.
The logistical facilitation of the implementation of this transformative strategy in various settings is the key to success, and should be tackled with urgency.
And, when it comes to facilitating the change, Music and the Arts, as the creative "playground" for experimentation and for testing not only the ideas, but also for practicing the actual process of change and increasing the inner capacity to identify the need for change, to facilitate and to engage with the necessary novelty, to commit to new patterns, and to thrive through transformation process, despite the challenges. And Music, one of the most experiential types of the Arts that is most helpful for allowing to experience the sense of changes, can be very effective in such preparatory stage of MODELING THE SENSE OF CHANGE, developing the emotional readiness and helping to identify any emotional hindrances and mental barriers. (Engage with this sing along song "Change Is the Only Constant").
And when it comes to execution of the organizational shift, such as the shift in the institutions that are involved in leading the reforms, the leadership that is capable of change is the key to THE SUSTAINABILITY, and therefore, can not be compromised.
The true intellectual leadership depends on the balanced cognitive function. And luckily, there IS hope to achieve it: Despite the complexity of the problem, it has been solved 300+ years ago by the timeless unsurpassed Genius J.S.Bach, who had provided the toolkit for re-balancing the disrupted by stress and trauma emotional/intellectual balance, critical for optimal cognition and increase mental productivity of the human brain.
However, turning on any J.S.Bach recording and playing it in the background isn't enough yet, although it may appear to be close to the solution. But without knowing how to get involved with his music on a personal level, in the sense of using it as the therapeutic tool for self-mastery, his magic may continue to remain hidden and untapped... J.S.Bach’s Music delivers the container for our authentic engagement by involving into emotionally/intellectually balanced perception, helping to restore its presence after stress and trauma disrupt it, as well as to build the resilience to trauma and stress.
Unfortunatel, the majority of the existing recordings of J.S.Bach's music contains dispassionate renditions that harbor cognitive dissonance, due to the intensity of compose's intent, and thus, can not be used effectively for this important task. This is yet another paradoxically absurd institutionalized for centuries blind spot that imprisons J.S.Bach’s music and strips away its power, so it could not be fully harvested for therapeutic and developmental applications:
even the music of this composer, who had risked a lot to oppose emotional withdrawal in music and to unleash its transformative powers, has been subjected to THE EMOTIONAL REPRESION, by creating false educational standards for musicians, forbidding for emotional engagement with the music of the composer who had emphasised it with his compositional tools choices. And many musicians need specialized re-training and coaching to address the long lasting effects of distortive educational standards that had to endure.
That is where the core solution for most of our brain malfunction currently resides. This approach needs tangible resources for collaborative work with brain scientists to observe the processes of calibrating and development, along with longitudinal studies, along with raising public awareness and information dissemination. Despite complexity, the critical for sustainability success of this process will lead to the wave of positive shifts in all parts of the reality. Indeed, we, as the society, can not afford to continue the neglect for prioritizing these matters of using such high efficacy modalities any longer. And, on the apocalyptic mornings with no sunlight due to the thick smoke, we were all reminded of how importwnt it is for our sustainability TO GET TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM BY SENSORY REAWAKENING, AND TO BE ABLE TO REFRAME OUR PRIORITIES FOR COGNITIVE ADVANCEMENT, BY SENSORY RE-ACTIVATION.
We are lucky to inherit J.S.Bach's music therapy tool kit that allows to embody & to RE-PATTERN complex PTSD of cognitive dissonance. Such blind spots that are caused by malfunctions of our brain, can be addressed by dealing with the misfirings of the parts, conflicting with each other, due to their different evolutionary age (as in Fight-or-Flight instinctive response). Modalities, based on J.S.Bach’s polyphony RESTORE DISRUPTED BY STRESS AND TRAUMA EMOTIONAL/INTELLECTUAL BALANCE THAT IS CRITICAL FOR THE OPTIMAL BRAIN FUNCTION, And through authentic engagement with BOTH complex intellectual structure AND PASSIONATE EMOTIONAL CONTENT, manifestation of HIGH EFFICACY healing impact can be achieved both for self-growth & for counselors’ use in their work with clients.
Dear members of the worldwide family of J.S.Bach's devotees, If you are among a few of those people who is able to grasp the complexity of the issues, please, show support at the time of EXTREME DISTRESS AND HARDSHIP of the inventor and developer of the above unique tool kit that provides the rare hope for Humanity that is currently in a dire hopeless place... thanks to our bran’s instinctive ability to elicit feel good neurotransmitters upon interaction with music.
Partner with us to help us use our UNIQUE ABILITY TO GRASP AND TO ADDRESS THE ROOT OF ALL PROBLEMS AT ITS CORE - the unique methods of coaching, training and retraining musicians to help them regain their emotional freedom, in order to enable them to share it with the public, one audience at a time.
It is the critical step for recovering from the global widespread calamity of SENSORY DEBILITATION that derails our ability to make the sound priorities,and thus, is THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE IN THE FORM OF THE BLIND SPOT AT THE CORE OF ALL ILLS OF EVERY HUMAN BEING'S, REALITY
Offer your help in action, please, by reaching out TODAY, and be the first to enjoy the benefits of writing your name into the history of the Humankind.
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YOUR PERSONALIZED MESSAGE to a power figure of your choice can be amplified by the worldwide audiences' support and cheers, led by Timeless Genius Music Therapist J.S.Bach, who comes to life through his music to unite millions of his devotees to protect and to advocate for the powerless, to empower their voices, & to help them being finally heard and being treated justly, as they speak the truth to power, to those, who are unfit to occupy the power chairs, and yet do so to the detriment of our society. The world will resonate to your musical joke, thanks to being set to his miusic, while witnessing how his music allows to grasp the inner conflict of contributing elements of their cognitive dissonance through the healing experience of the cruel absurdities that result from their blind spots. The whole world will be consumed by laughter at the cruel absurdity of powerful abusers, thanks to being set to the soundtrack of unidentified for three hundred years and just unearthed by our founder Rozalina Gutman FUGUE-PARODY, filled with unnoticed by scholars, teachers, music performers and their audiences dissonant sonorities, composed around the time of his false imprisonment by the persevering through incivility of his contemporaries Genius-CONVICT J.S.Bach.
Find out about this time-limited exclusive offer for Supporters and Sponsors, contributing to manifestation of her daring recording of the funny maverick & related efforts of exposing senseless lies about J.S.Bach, with implications for brain sciences & throughout society
NOW is the special opportunity TO WRITE YOUR NAME INTO THE HISTORY! Join the progressive vanguard of our society: BE AMONG THE FIRST TO EXPERIENCE, TO MASTER & THEN TO HELP LEAD THE REST OF THE WORLD AWAY FROM THE CURRENT SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PATH FOR OUR CIVILIZATION, by reawakening the resonance to our souls' purposes, and re-patterning of the unfitting inertia of the human brain's plasticity, by reflecting and embodying this conscience awakening through Music and the Arts