HEALTH RISK ALERT: The lack of gender-specific research about women’s heart results in deaths for many women.
Please, join together in the upcoming sing-along community actions to help advocate through music for the women's heart.
Dear friends, collaborators, fans! Dear SINGERS of all genres and types – both amateur, professional & audience singers! Dear shower-virtuosi & stage-soloists, choirs, ensembles, bands & venue producers! Dear advocates for women’s equality and WOMEN’S HEALTH, and everyone who cares about the health of dear for them women!
I’d like to ask to voice you support in advocating for EVERY WOMAN’S HEALTH, for one of the least publicized killers of women – THE HEART DISEASE! The fact, that very few people are merely aware of the statistics that MORE WOMEN DIE FROM HEART DISEASE THAN FROM ALL CANCERS COMBINED, speaks for itself. It happens due to the unfortunate reason - the denial in the medical profession for pressing need for the gender-specific research re. women’s hearts, causing often very murky understanding by medical personnel about testing, diagnosing and treatments for the heart conditions in women. The longer we delay our strive to overcome this limitation, the more women may vanish…
I lived through my personal excruciating & most frustrating experience of surviving a heart attack at the age of 44, after car accident with drunk driver, despite its dismissal by doctors. I had lived to share that this is the cause that no woman may dismiss in denial of having “more important things on their agenda”– no woman simply can afford such “luxury”.
Today, the face of feminism may have changed, but the importance for the feminist movement has not diminished. Today, we still continue to discover that, if we, the women would not initiate the advocacy for our own personal survival – no one would do it for us? I invite you to join other women in our passionate strive to raise awareness about the dire & most urgent need to promote the gender-specific research about women’s heart. And, what can be a better way to demonstrate our resolve & our solidarity than the empowering chorus of committed for change women!
So, what woman can be “too busy” for engaging with the cause that advocates for her own heart?.. Indeed, if you are a woman, or if you care about a woman – of any age, race, profession, political orientation, status of any kind, or if you care about a special woman in your life – it is YOUR PERSONAL CAUSE! Please, become PROACTIVE in supporting this cause TODAY, RIGHT NOW, to have no future regrets... We may no longer continue to deny the grim reality: every woman: every mother, every daughter, every sister, every cousin, every grandmother, every aunt, every girlfriend, every neighbor, every teacher, every woman in the work force, in the public service, in the community – literally, every woman IS AT RISK of being misdiagnosed & mistreated for the heart problem at times of life-saving urgency…
So, join YOUR VOICES to sing live at the community gatherings, recordings, educational events, and the music performances that are coming up soon and in the future! Please, let me know, if you may be interested to contribute your voice and to find out about the upcoming opportunities to be a part of important actions of raising awareness through the power of music and the arts. (Also, other artistic expressions on this subject (women, hearts, kindness, cure, etc.) are cordially welcome & will be publicized via the web! Please, share this COLLABORATION CALL WIDELY!)
I ATTACH the very EASY to catch sing-along Theme Song “HELP HEAL HER HEART”, deliberately based on the melody of the famous song “I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN FRANCISCO” –1) lyrics sheet, 2) music sheet, and 3) SING-ALONG VIDEO link.
(and, more tutorials will follow). Help make a big difference in saving women’s lives by making your voice heard! Let’s experience our COLLECTIVE POWER TO CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH THE BEAUTY OF MUSIC and to change our world for the better – by delivering our inspiring musical message of public awareness about SAVING WOMEN’S HEARTS, by singing it in a powerful chorus of voices that may no longer be dismissed and neglected!
TOGETHER, and only together we CAN change the common wrong perception & help heal many women’s lives!