the original song by Rozalina Gutman
Click to listen to the demo of "Blue Heron", recorded in the Balkan style (w/piano) >>> >>> >>> >>>
Please, also visit www.CarryMySong.org dedicated to this song and the subjects, related to protecting the clean water habitat of large water birds and other water bodies on our Blue Planet. Join us in Int'l Clean Water Action
CLICK to enlarge. ROZALINA GUTMAN at the rehearsal of her new song "BLUE HERON" with 6 y.o. talented student Julian from Oakland CA, USA. The song-based int'l campaign is to promote local and int'l efforts to protect the pure water habitat that we, humans share with beautiful birds that serve us as a wake-up call for the immediate action, in the wake of looming environmental catastrophes. SAY "NO" TO PESTICIDES' USE BY THE CORPORATE FARMING! SUPPORT ORGANIC FARMING |
CLICK to listen to the work-in-progress recording by Julian, 6 y.o. student from Oakland, Ca USA |
Songwriter's own "educational" performance, to assit the real singers in learning the song that was never recorded before. Accompaniment is recorded to dominate over the voice deliberately - for YOUR CHANCE TO PRACTICE AND TO SING ALONG >>>
Click to listen |
(2nd lesson with 6 y.o. Julian)
Click to listen to the DRAFT recording of the song by 9 y.o. Rochelle Rubin >>>
(Please, come back for the updated version.)
click to listen |
In Songwriter's Own Words... (Press Release)
“BLUE HERON” (""Сизый Журавлик", pronounced in Russian as “S’izyi Zhur’avlik”) by Russian-born/trained musician and educator Rozalina Gutman, is a song in both English and Russian languages, about the pressing need for int’l collaboration on vital for the local communities and for the entire globe environmental protection issues and about int’l friendship between people of large countries, such as Russian Federation and United States of America, that can help pioneering and promoting these efforts globally, throughout other nations. It is a call for both preserving the natural beauty and finding internal peace through the renewed communion with nature, both in our local communities & sharing it across the boarders between the neighboring nations.
The song “BLUE HERON” continues the well-known Russian folk tradition of embodying birds with the abilities to serve as the messengers that have super-human abilities to speak and to sing passionately about human feelings, lead away from danger and fly across the long distances, in order to carry the much anticipated messages of peace and love, as well as the warnings for the need for the protection from the destructive invasion, reflecting at times dramatic past history of Russia, ravaged throughout the centuries by the hostile ambitions, reflected in rich Russian mythology of ancient epic ballads and folk fairytales. (Among great multitude of the examples, Princess Yaroslavna calls her husband “enlightened falcon” ("ясный сокол") and refers to herself as a “poor cuckoo-bird” (“Обернусь я, бедная, кукушкой, По Дунаю-речке полечу…” in one of the oldest in Russian ancient epic poetry, “The Tale about Prince Igor’s Campaign”, made popular thanks to Borodin's opera "Prince Igor". The “Firebird” is also one the best-known examples, made world-famous, thanks to popularity of the Stravinsky’s ballet etc.)
The song’s affectionate lyrics and music are reflective of Slavic folk songs and “urban song”(called in Russian “rom’ans”) genre, deeply linked to the Russian musical tradition that presumes participatory singing of the audience that is the reflection of the communal function of soulful and engaging music happening, still widely and actively practiced throughout Russia, as well as within the Russian immigrant communities.
Blue Heron is a remarkably beautiful, uniquely-colored bird. Despite being extremely shy and private, it possesses distinct and defiant-sounding call and impressive large and powerful wings that enable it to overcome gravity and rise up in the air quite fast, while accompanied by noticeable swishing sound. On one quiet weekday evening, the songwriter was mesmerized by the lucky occasion of being able to spot Blue Heron at San Pablo Dam Reservoir’s park (very near highly populated area of her current hometown of Berkeley, CA, USA) that serves as the storage of drinking water, as well as a peaceful refuge to the nearby local communities. Like many other members of the natural habitat, Blue Heron depends on the purity of water in our creeks, rivers, lakes, reservoirs that has been more and more effected by the washed out pollutants and pesticides, as a result of mindless and lacking conscience industrial and agricultural development activities and urban planning that are not properly regulated by the current laws, in order to provide the sufficient protection to everyone, who consumes and depends on water, including both humans and plants, animals, birds, and insects. The water’s lacking purity impacts our local and global communities with often irreversible negative changes, such as yet to be fully recognized health hazards (incl. cancer), global warming and the threat of entire species’ extinction from the surface of the planet.
At the time of lacking optimism and growing inertia about solving complex environmental problems of global nature, this song aims to inspire daring to remain hopeful for the restoration of our suffering natural environment and it is the inspirational call for the meaningful action.
The song is the cordial invitation to admire the memorable beauty of Blue Heron and a rhymed and easy-to-remember call to protect this and many other remarkable creatures, whose voices should sound as a wake-up call to the renewed personal and collective human conscience and responsibility, reminding of the need for the immediate vital changes to our personal lives, as well as the ever elevated need to demand from the leadership of governmental agencies and commercial entities to recognize and to enact (!) the pressing need to prevent the combined effect of the multitude of ongoing and regularly repeated through daily operation self-destructive actions towards our much suffering natural habitat and environment - without any further self-destructive and dangerous delay!
THE NEED FOR PRESERVATION OF THE CA STATE HISTORIC PARK OF FORT ROSS, AS A LOCAL SYMBOL OF THE TRADITIONAL RUSSIAN CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: The song “Blue Heron” was born in anticipation of the series of celebratory events, dedicated to the Bicentennial of establishment of the Russian settlement, called “Colony Ross” in 1812 and known later and now as “Fort Ross”. In its past, the Colony Ross pioneered in economic development of northern CA ( http://fortrossinterpretive.org/history/ ) as well as made positive impact in cultural exchange between the two continents, that continues and thrives today within the vibrant and diverse local Russian-speaking immigrant community that treasures and actively preserves its cultural heritage. Today, Fort Ross resembles a refuge for the restful and insightful pastime. Located on the famed for its natural beauty coast of Northern California, Fort Ross is situated in the heart of the natural exhibit of flora and fauna, which is becoming sadly extinct in the urban areas. Hidden from noisy traffic and major real estate development, located near the environmental research labs and several small coastal wineries that can be found along the roads, leading to its quiet habitat, Fort Ross is a charming attraction to visit and to explore at a slow pace, due to its unhurried and peaceful nature. Fort Ross is one of CA’s first Historic Parks, and a part of CA State parks, where the unique Russian cultural traditions are preserved, demonstrated and lovingly shared with the locals & tourists. It was recently endangered with the closure, due to the CA State funding crisis, and was rescued by the initiative of the local Russian community, with the help of private donations. Fort Ross is a precious jewel and desperately needs loving patronage and dedicated support, in order to continue its existence.