Take special opportuinity TO SPONSOR development of our innovative ideas with personal & global impacts - be the examplery by defying limited mindset among society that forces musicians/artists to pledge Oath to Poverty, & enjoy
including his musical humor
Are you a part of the majority of people, who had never heard of the term EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND MUSIC THERAPY ? Are you among the majority of people, who are yet to find out that it involves VERBAL counseling, as ONLY ONE integral part of the REFLECTIVE cognitive behavioral therapy, utilizing otherwise missing high efficacy applications that allow to tap into SUPER-conscious mind through engaging into music/Arts-based self reflection?
This approach to self-growth is rooted in FELT SENSE-based practice of self-expression that allows an individual to go back to METAPHORICAL language of conceptual cognition, practiced by all of us during pre-verbial period and then, abandoned... due to the flawed educational system that is based on ignorant disregard of importance for the curricula, based on BALANCED COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN that peomotes and restores the state of INTER-HEMISPHERIC BALANCE between left and right hemispheres of the brain, and leads to development of
The capable of grasping the great complexity of our interconnected reality with its polyphonic multidimensional nature and ever changing symphonic fluidity depends on developmental opportunities for the brain. Indeed, these music terms describe the nature of our reality better than any other words. And there is important reason for it - VIBRATIONAL NATURE OF OUR UNIVERSE, discovered by Einstein as a part of his String Theory, that brings indisputable evidence that VIBRATION is the universal measure of all matter, since on subatomic particles level, any and all matter in our universe is nothing, but vibrations of various frequencies... That is why, research in brain/music field is most essential to propel innovations in MUSIC-CENTERED TRANSFORMATIVE COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGY for our civilization. And, that is the reason why, it is of critical significance to use the capacity of music to reflect the complexity of our society through musical concepts of adequate complexity structure that had started to evolve fairly recently in human history - only during past several thousands of years. However, even more recently - during less than half a century, neuroscience had begun developing the new branch - music/brain science. And despite significant limitations of funding, it helped Humanity understand some key concepts, such as Music instinct, based on healing joy-neurotransmitters that is actually capable to act as the tangible COUNTERPOINT in the processes that are involved with instinctive incivility behaviors that result from the evolutionary relics of the human brain, since they are also based on neurochemicals. Thus, according to observed by Ms. Rozalina Gutman Bach Sensory Deactivation Effect, Music can be used as the high efficacy tool for measurable cognitive advancement and propel evolution of the human brain, that is struggling to evolve beyond its self destructive tendencies, misfiring more often than we all wish and causing cognitive blind spots in the perception of even among the best of humankind (as the evident data demonstrated...)
And one of the key reasons for this is CENTRALITY OF TRAUMA that effects human psyche in dramatic ways. COMPOUND NATURE OF TRAUMA is one of the reasons, why it is the great challenge that deters many efforts to succeed in overcoming it. It is due to not one, but a bundle of evolutionary ancient instincts, impacting our consciousness at the same time. Embodiment of these complex processes allows for the emergence of the clarity of their grasp, and provides the pathways for repatterning of synaptic networks, associated with the traumatic memories of strong impact of inertia of overcompensation for trauma that may overcompete with perception of reality, particularly when it comes to childhood developmental trauma.
Sadly, due to the above problem of the cognitive blind spots, caused by unpacked trauma, we as well as their institutionalized form of flawed policies, laws, regulations, conventions, practices, traditions, many fields in our society became self-paralyzed with the lacking logic and effectiveness strategies. It starts with the field of MENTAL HEALTH that uses self-conflicting approaches - VERBAL ONLY MODALITIES IN COUNSELING, that do not engage unconscious mind where trauma resides, in order to resolve the effects of trauma and to break its spread through VICIOUS CIRCLE OF TRAUMA effectively. This passing of unending emotional injury paradox needs to be resolved by expanding to mental health professionals the training and continuing education curricula with the modalities that address the CORE aspects of trauma at their ROOTS. This is the only way to break away from normality of trauma in our society - without oversimplification. This is the way to reduce overmedication with drugs with significant side effects - by learning the skills to tap into Music instinct for utilizing our own healing resources of neurochemicals, observed at the intracellular level by prof Candace Pert, PhD and the author of "Molecules of Emotion". Many mental health professionals love music, but have no training for utilizing it as the "container" for creating high efficacy results in their counseling practice. And we have the strategy to solve this problem - thanks to special practicioner's scaffolding.
Partner with us and receive special gift of personal training and the name recognition in the credits for the unique production.
This is our essential gift that opens the gateway for self-understanding, that allows to tap into our own unconscious mind to get informed about what has become invisible and un-sensored in the realm of our own dumbed down and self-repressed pain and other feelings that determine our priorities on various levels, both conscious and unconscious.
Clinical psychology training, based on verbal -only counseling PARADOXICALLY DOES NOT provide the ways for re-patterning of the mental blocks, and does NOT merely aim to offer the assistance at the level of the FELT SENSE perception of THE ROOT CAUSES of trauma either. So the core issues of trauma never get recognized, addressed and resolved. This paradox is also the outcome of hopelessness about tackling the key challenges of the misfiring evolutionary young brain that is the collection of the parts from various evolutionary periods and their related conflict with one another...
And as the result, most of our blind spots never get merely recognized and so, they remain as flawed patterns, becoming the barriers to clear perception of reality, since no steps of identifications and repatterning of misfiring synaptic networks from residual trauma ever take place. This gigantic blind spot in the field of the mental health (run by profit-based pharma) injures individual and collective consciousness.
And that is the core reason for the overwhelming collapse and paralysis of many parts of our society in all realms of it, with too many examples of painful and costly failures and absurdly false outcomes.
So, what can help solve the problem? Why the leaders in the mental health field know about this problem, and yet do nothing meaningful to prioritize this cognitive fitness issue to be the top priority in the field that is responsible for it? The answer is both simple and complex:
#1 problem is IMPUNITY for Public Health officials, who betrayed taxpayers' health and well-being
It is the unknown to majority loophole that permits for lawless lack of accountability for public servants for their misconduct, negligence and any other crimes against individuals and against humanity.
Top Public Health officials know (or, should know) that the practitioners of the Expressive Arts therapy know that if a client was exposed to the Arts and music practices during childhood, it is a natural resource they can tap into during the crisis. But if not, the task of engaging with therapeutic modalities is overcoming, due to the learning curve. And it makes hard to navigate in the domain with no arts and music literacy. And just for this absurd reason of absence of the metaphorical "vocabulary", resulting from the limitactions to the access to the Arts and music education for ALL, majority of population dwell in perpetual confusion, due to lacking awareness of perceiving the reality through the prism of trauma. Indeed, the level of sanity in our society depends on the accessibility of practicing the Arts and music. And the level of environmental sanity depends on this as well. And thus, the very survival of our species depends on the level of our individual and collective fluency of practicing metaphorical language for inner communications, in order to be true self aware of the personal needs for well being and for being an integral part of collective consciousness based on integrative mindset.
Due to the flase convention to perceive music and the Arts as chip entertailment, the focus on PRACTICE of music and the Arts for the purpose of recalibration of the brain had become obscured. And, these tools for Sensory and Emotional Reawakening of consciousness remain untapped just when humanity needs them the most - at this pivotal point in human history for making EXISTENTIAL decisions for the human race.
But, the solutions for the complexity of our brain may not be oversimplified any longer in our society. No, the inherited incivility of multitude of the blind spots may not continue to hurt much more and cause more of tremendous losses and suffering to humanity. J.S.Bach's solution to overcome the blind spots is the priceless tool for optimization of the human brain. Investment into expanding self-awareness and self-mastery, achievable through music-based modualities and curricula can transform individuals and population at large. Thus, increasing the level of mental health through the Arts and music literacy is obvious to yield the most invaluable return upon the investment, that is to be felt in every part of our society. And if such issues of developmental inequity are NOT resolved by public officials, based on their duties, such CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY can be prosecuted outside of the unjust Justice system, based on preferential laws - INTERNATIONAL CRIMES COURT has jurisdiction to issue extradition orders from 120 participating countries, due to the global impacts of unequal opportunities for development of brain and mind.
Thus, the issue of vocal advocacy can be held at the plain of equality and Justice of ALL. Those policy makers, who have achieved INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP through OWN capacity to grasp this obvious reality without oversimplification of the complexity, who possess the type of INTEGRAL mindset need to demonstrate in action their versatility in conceptual and abstract cognition, along with proficiencies in symphonic vision and polyphonic multitasking.
And the time to do so is NOW! And due to the compound challenges of looming planetary collapse, we may not compromise on this critical requirement of intellectual leadership, since now it determines our sustainability, our very survival during COUNTDOWN2045 to prevent "PAINLESS" HUMAN extinction during fast closing window of opportunity for it!
Only one example of such brain paralysis that results from the societal blind spot that is the outcome of our individual and collective lack of priority to the health hazards of environmental catastrophe that we, Homo "Sapiens" had created for ourselves, while dwelling in complete "painless" oblivion to hazards, due to the fact that we’ve lost our most critical sensory capacity to feel our own PAIN ALARMS that should inform us of the hazards on the level of self-preservation instinct. But, it no longer does, due to the epidemic of SENSORY STARVATION AND DEBILITATION.
[And to begin to understand the depth of this catastrophe, we recommend to watch the documentary STINK! (made available on YOUTUBE) focused on ever increasing and widespread danger of artificial fragrances. Although it addresses only one kind of chemical hazards (among 6 types), it will help you and yours in the most critical for your brain manner of protection and prevention of neurotoxins from causing multitude of ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESSES of stroke, heart attack, cancers, dementia, diabetes, autism, MS, Parkinson’s , Alzheimer’s, lungs, liver, kidney and multitude of other diseases, that are not labeled as PREVENTABLE, while they ARE!
We, as the society and as individuals had somehow forgotten that Music and the Arts had evolved not as a entertainment, and not as luxury, but instead, as the crucial necessity to serve as ancestral gift for dealing with the deficiencies of the human brain, struggling with evolutionary relics in its structure. Our sense of priorities is directly dependent on our sensory capacities, or rather - it should be, but it NO LONGER is! And without addressing this underlying issue, the problems, associated with the material manifestation of environmental catastrophe will remain unprioritized. The urgent and challenging conventions decisions to assure sustainable future need this type of capacity, based on sensory awarenes...
Indeed, these prioritizing processes in unconscious mind are notnoptional, but are a must to have for the effective leadership capacities, for being prepared and capable to assure HUMANITY'S sustainability and to facilitate the urgent change. Due to the brain plasticity, we are often ruled by inertia, rolling on and on through the old paths of detrimental for us mental patterns. Even individual change is not simple to accomplish. So when it comes to the need to change societal patterns, our society need intellectual leadership, capable of adequate reflection, driven by the balanced brain function, nurtured through the grasp of polyphonic music, with symphonic perception abilities to sense fluid and complex priorities, based on reawakened sensory function. Our choices of personal and collective sustainability, as determined by the traditional ethics and morals may not be less important, than any of the choices, driven by the corruption of playing political games. Indeed, no individual with clear priorities for own health and safety would justify getting a legalized bribery system in the form of political campaign contributio, since no amount of money can buy their health from cancer and other above listed illnesses, triggered by the cumulative effects environmental hazards. This mindset of self-defeat, as the form of snvironmental insanity has become unaffordable.
Indeed, to a degree, we all are affected by the experiences of blind spots of our still evolving human brain, and without meaningful strategy to learn about inner complexity of our perception (as J.S.Bach's lessons taught us) through systematic studies and refinement of the self reflection tools for mediating evolutionary relics of the brain development, we can not hope for sustainability of our society. Nothing can compare with viable solution of this inner mechanism, based on our our own joy-neurochemicals. The core problem of most mulfunctions could and should be addressed, as the urgent counterpoint to the self-destructive policies and traditions that must seize. Pathological inertia is no longer bearable without the LOSS OF HUMAN BIRTHRIGHT, according to 60+ global studies on fast plummeting sperm counts, forecasting ZERO BY 2045 or sooner!
The newly heightened level of existential challenges in our life demands for the capacity for the innovations in all parts of the society. But how can we expect for the changes to manifest in our outer reality, unless we use the strategies that foster critical for us positive changes in our own brain? Luckily, the new type of mindset for the sustainable leadership to pursue the goals for the sustainable planetary mindset can be achieved - through applying cognitive technology with the above discussed balancing impact.
The logistical facilitation of the implementation of this transformative strategy in various settings is the key to success, and should be tackled with urgency.
And, when it comes to facilitating the change, Music and the Arts, as the creative "playground" for experimentation and for testing not only the ideas, but also for practicing the actual process of change and increasing the inner capacity to identify the need for change, to facilitate and to engage with the necessary novelty, to commit to new patterns, and to thrive through transformation process, despite the challenges. And Music, one of the most experiential types of the Arts that is most helpful for allowing to experience the sense of changes, can be very effective in such preparatory stage of MODELING THE SENSE OF CHANGE, developing the emotional readiness and helping to identify any emotional hindrances and mental barriers. (Engage with this sing along song "Change Is the Only Constant").
And when it comes to execution of the organizational shift, such as the shift in the institutions that are involved in leading the reforms, the leadership that is capable of change is the key to THE SUSTAINABILITY, and therefore, can not be compromised.
The true intellectual leadership depends on the balanced cognitive function. And luckily, there IS HOPE to achieve it: Despite the complexity of the problem, it has been solved over 300 years ago by the timeless unsurpassed Genius J.S.Bach, who had provided the toolkit for re-balancing the disrupted by stress and trauma emotional/intellectual balance, critical for optimal cognition and increase mental productivity of the human brain.
Learning how to get involved with music on a personal level, in the sense of using it as the therapeutic tool for self-mastery is the answer that J.S.Bach’s balanced polyphony delivers the best. It can serve the container for our authentic engagement by involving into emotionally/intellectually balanced perception, helping to restore its presence after stress and trauma disrupt it, as well as to build the resilience to trauma and stress.
Unfortunatel, the majority of the existing recordings of J.S.Bach's music contains dispassionate renditions that harbor cognitive dissonance, due to disconnect with the emotional intensity of composer's intent and the interpretation with lacking emotional resonance, caused by distortio-based conventio. And thus, often it can not be used effectively for this important task. This is yet another paradoxically absurd institutionalized for centuries blind spot that imprisons J.S.Bach’s music and strips away its power, preventing it from being fully harvested for therapeutic and developmental applications:
Due to THE EMOTIONAL REPRESION from false educational standards the key essence of Bach's strive to liberate his music had been obscured and betrayed, dishonoring tremendous risk and sacrifice of the composer and the advocate for humanity. And as the result, many musicians need specialized re-training and coaching to address the long lasting effects of distortive educational standards that they had to endure in the form of emotional blocks.
Repatterning of these barriers for authentic expression along is the core solution and the key step for the domino effect of passing regained emotional resonance to the audiences. Effective Emotional Reawakening is the critical stage for restoring emotiona/analytical brain balance, crucial for optimizing brain function and using peak performance outcome as the result.
This approach suggests great results and deepening of its understanding will continueto surprise with more and more revelations. Running for collaborative work of hands in practitioners with brain scientists to observe the processes of calibrating and development, along with longitudinal studies needs to be be accompanied with raising public awareness and information dissemination about untapped potential of Music instinct. Despite complexity, the critical for sustainability success of this process will lead to elevated consciousness level, bringing the wave of urgently needed positive shifts in all parts of the reality. Indeed, we, as the society, can not afford to continue the neglect for prioritizing these matters of using such high efficacy modalities any longer. Living during the time of pivotal changes for assuring sustainability, no delay may prevent addressing TO THE ROOT OF THE MANY PROBLEMS, by reframing a ir priorities for cognitive advancement.
We are lucky to inherit J.S.Bach's transformativ tool kit that allows to embody & to RE-PATTERN complex cognitive dissonance and foster trauma resilience.
Such blind spots that are caused by malfunctions of our brain, can be addressed by dealing with the misfirings of the parts, conflicting with each other, due to their different evolutionary age (as in Fight-or-Flight instinctive response etc.). Modalities, based on J.S.Bach’s polyphony RESTORE DISRUPTED BY STRESS AND TRAUMA EMOTIONAL/ANALLYTICAL BALANCE THAT IS CRITICAL FOR THE OPTIMAL BRAIN FUNCTION, And through authentic engagement with BOTH complex polyphonic structure AND PASSIONATE EMOTIONAL CONTENT, manifestation of HIGH EFFICACY healing impact can be achieved both for self-growth & for counselors’ supervised applications for the use in their work with clients.
MUSIC EDUCATOR'S EXPERIENCE FORMED BACH'S MINDSET OF NEUROSCIENTIST Hands-on teaching experience provides unique insights into the process of travels to/from conscious/unconscious mind, for converting music ideas into semi automated skills, that allows for mounting multitasking layers of music expression tasks (if music teaching process is structured correctly). Bach's innovations in compositional tools were informed by his daily teaching related observations about the brain capacity to create patterns and change them. This process is at the core of music therapy-focused activities as well, and even basic music literacy and familiarity with the concept of entrainment of a music piece can be instrumental for using music, as the healing tool at the time of crisis, caused by the vicious circle of trauma.
Dear members of the worldwide family of J.S.Bach's devotees, If you are among a few of those people who is able to grasp the complexity of the issues, please, show support at the time of EXTREME DISTRESS AND HARDSHIP of the key investigator and developer of the above unique tool kit that provides the rare hope for Humanity that is currently in limbo, due to dire limitations by resenting the change powerful forces, competing in hostility with biographical facts of J.S.Bach himself. Cognitive dissonance resolution can be possible, helping recover from many mind blocks - the indiscriminate problem, being optimized thanks to Bach's inventivdnuse of Music instinct, based on brain's ancestral gift to elicit feel good neurotransmitters upon interaction with musical humor.
Partner with us to help us use our UNIQUE ABILITY TO GRASP AND TO ADDRESS THE ROOT OF ALL PROBLEMS AT ITS CORE - the unique methods of coaching, training and retraining musicians to help them regain their emotional freedom, in order to enable them to share it with the public, one audience at a time.
It is the critical step for recovering from the global widespread calamity of SENSORY DEBILITATION that derails our ability to make the sound priorities,and thus, is THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE IN THE FORM OF THE BLIND SPOT AT THE CORE OF ALL ILLS OF EVERY HUMAN BEING'S, REALITY
Offer your help in action, please, by reaching out TODAY, and be the first to enjoy the benefits of writing your name into the history of the Humankind.
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Inquire about the various levels of sponsorship and the exclusive offers to the supporter of struggling to overcome barriers of conventions catalysts of change. Limited time opportunity may be available ahead of the general public for gaining the access to the unique and innovative tools of brain optimization through developing special skills for using Music instinct, using cognitive technologies that had been for centuries reserved to royalty.
Join the Vanguard of humanity: Be among the first to gain intellectual leadership, through attaining the capacity to lead the strive of the society wide shift of INDIVIDUAL and COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS AWAY FROM THE CURRENT SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PATH OF SELF DEFEAT. Learn how to tap into transformative properties of the anscestral gift of Music and the Arts - the keys to the realm of Integrative mindset, and develop the unique authentic practice for the existential counterpoint to the invisible slave master of brain-disbalancing zombification